Dealing with multiple config sets in Solr(+cloud)

Solr in “cloud” mode (solrcloud)

One of the first steps for solrcloud cluster setup is collection configuration preparation. Usually it’s done like this:

-Dbootstrap_confdir=./solr/collection1/conf -Dcollection.configName=myconf

If you start Solr with above attributes, it will load configuration files under ./solr/collection1/conf to Zookeeper with myconf name.

We need to execute this command only once. After configuration was uploaded we can just add more Solr instances without specifying configuration options. It works because if we have just one config set (myconf in our example) in Zookeeper it will be automatically linked with all new collections we create.

What happens if we upload another config set with the new name? -zkhost localhost:9983 -cmd upconfig -confdir /opt/solr/collection2/conf -confname myconf1


-Dbootstrap_confdir=./solr/collection2/conf -Dcollection.configName=myconf1

If we use Solr in “cloud” mode, then we would have to use linkconfig command to link collection with its configuration, otherwise Solr won’t be happy: -zkhost localhost:9983 -cmd linkconfig -collection collection2 -confname myconf2

Note – you can use linkconfig action to link config and collection even before collection creation. That could be quite handy.

Traditional Solr (non-cloud)

It’s clear that sharing configuration between collections is very useful feature, but what if you are not in the “cloud” mode? Well, Solr 4.8+ added Config Sets specifically for this reason!

If we want to share configuration between cores, we need to place it into configsets directory:

mkdir -p solr/configsets/generic/conf/
cp -r solr/collection1/conf/* solr/configsets/generic/conf/

Then create couple new cores that would use our config set (note configSet attribute in the url):

curl 'http://localhost:8983/solr/admin/cores?action=CREATE&name=products&configSet=generic'
curl 'http://localhost:8983/solr/admin/cores?action=CREATE&name=tags&configSet=generic'

At this point both cores should be created and point to same config set! You should be able to remove one of the cores without affecting the configuration, since it is stored in different (shared) location.

You can also use configSet inside of file under your core dir:


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    Also published on Medium.


    1. Hi,
      I am using solr-6.2.1 version
      I have followed you documentation of non cloud mode but its not working. Unable to see any result in products and tags plz help to fix this issue..

      1. Its been almost 3 years since I wrote the post. Possibly some things changed. I switched to using Elasitcsearch a few years ago to simplify our setup.

        In your particular case, what’s your configuration? What errors do you see? You posted very little specific details.

        Upload your entire Solr folder somewhere so I could poke around when I have time.


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