Nginx Access-Control-Allow-Origin and CORS

Nginx Access-Control-Allow-Origin header is part of CORS standard (stands for Cross-origin resource sharing) and used to control access to resources located outside of the original domain sending the request.

This standard was created to overcome same-origin security restrictions in browsers, that prevent loading resources from different domains.  …

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What is nginx server_name and how it works?

Nginx server_name is a special directive used for server block configuration selection. Let say you have multiple server sections in your Nginx config file:

server {
 listen 80;


server {
 listen 80;


When we get incoming request with “Host”  …

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Secure way to serve protected files with Nginx Sendfile (X-Accel-Redirect)

If you are running some kind of e-commerce store, it’s quite possible that your product images are protected with watermark. At the same time original uploaded images are not available for public access.

All nice and good! But what if some of your partners request access to original images without watermarks?  …

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Possible MySQL auto_increment duplicates with InnoDB – beware!

I was happily eating my apple when one of our developers reached out to me with strange issue. Basically he couldn’t fall asleep and decided to go through our mysql binlogs files ( yeah, I know! 🙂 ).

Anyways, earlier this week we discovered some issues with our shipping labels being rejected and our provider said that we were sending duplicate ids.  …

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Manual way to feed old/new log entires to logstash

From time to time your Logstash process may crash and you start seeing gaps on your Kibana graph (you graph logs and monitor those, right? ). That may also, coincidentally?, correlate with downtime you had 10 minutes ago.. So you need to replay missing events back into Logstash and figure out what happened.  …

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