Story behind X-Forwarded-For and X-Real-IP headers
This was suppose to be 10 minutes fix..
Or so I thought. If you read my blog you probably know that for the most part I’m doing operations stuff for FastCompany. That means sometimes I deal with little tricky problems like the one I’m going to talk about today. …
Playing around with Jetty JVM Garbage Collection
First of all, I would never thought I’m going to write about JAVA GC. I’m not a JAVA guy, everything described in this post is my personal experience from the operational stand point. I hope it will be useful for some of you as well. …
Openssl heartbleed autofix for EC2 Amazon AMI – be aware!
You probably heard about recent security hole discovered in openssl library called Heartbleed. If not read:
Anyways here is the catch – turns out Amazon can roll critical updates to all images based of Amazon AMI! …
SolrCloud in EC2. Dealing with changing IPs
If you use Amazon EC2 service for a while, you probably aware of the fact that any time you stop/start (reboot) your instance the underlying IP might change. We need to account for that when designing new services in EC2.
Lets see what happens to SolrCloud after IP change:
Note those grayed out IPs. …