Beware of busywork
The winter has finally arrived in New York. I feel like a bear down here in my basement and let me tell you, the cold shower that I take every morning got a lot colder, to the point that it burns your skin if you stay there for too long. …

Pains of starting from ground up. Don’t give up!
There is something magical about staring at the screen with the blinking cursor. I’ve been doing it for the past five minutes thinking what should I write about today.
Reminds me the programming when you start with the empty text editor and after a while end up with thousands of lines of code (and hopefully some useful application). …

How you can actually get your first crypto coins
Not so long ago I posted an intro story about crypto world. I did get a lot of questions from my readers asking how to actually buy cryptocurrencies and which ones to get.
At the time of writing the price of bitcoin was around 4K and I was waiting for the bank transfer to clear so I could get some at that price. …