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Simple financial strategy even geeks could apply

Simple financial strategy even geeks could apply

It’s Tuesday, 4.26pm here in New York and it’s raining outside. I was supposed to send out my weekly newsletter this morning last week, but guess what, I didn’t have anything to send…

The truth is I still run way too many things and at times my days feel quite disorganized and crazy,  …

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What if American Dream is a lie?

What if American Dream is a lie?

“Why can’t you just relax and enjoy life, man? Why always push yourself to the limits? You are good!”

Autumn is in the full swing here in New York. That means beautiful yellow, orange and red trees, pumpkins, ghosts, hot apple cider, cold weather and of course “Russian Bath”  …

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Transition to a big tech company. Part 1 (Why)

Transition to a big tech company. Part 1 (Why)

“Hey, Sergey, we have some news for you. Let’s meet and discuss over a cup of coffee later today?” – that was the text I received from my recruiter Lauren after going through three rounds of interviews with HBO. Not going to lie at that point I was anxious to hear the final verdict.  …

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Every day is a battle

Every day is a battle

It was still dark when I woke up this morning. The SleepCycle app that I use as my smart alarm clock showed 6.05am, even though I set it for 6.30am. Apparently, the app decided to wake me up a bit earlier while I was in the light REM sleep phase.  …

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