How reading almost killed me… and why you should still do it.
12 years ago I was living in Brooklyn with my brother Andrei.
At the time I didn’t know much of anything as I was a fresh immigrant. Thankfully my brother came to US about a year before me and already had a place to live. …
Why adding value to other people always comes first
Winter is tough, it’s gloomy and rainy and cold. Not going to lie, it’s so hard to wake up at 5.30 and get out of the warm bed like I did just minutes ago…
You know how some “experts” say that when you wake up at the same time every day, …
What happens when you fall off the rails
My wife was making fun of me ever since I started introducing little changes into my daily routine.
Which changes am I talking about? Well, now that I think about it, it’s quite a few actually. If you are really curious, feel free to read my full story. …