Wow, it’s been a month since I started my new journey. Feels like I’ve been doing it forever. The main reason why I started making changes in my pretty comfortable life was this deep feeling inside of me… feeling that I could do much more than just comfortably drifting in the 9 to 5 mediocrity.
Do I see any real life-transforming changes now that 30 days are behind me? Honestly, I wish I could tell you some truly inspirational story. No, nothing huge like that. My life is pretty much the same more or less and it’s not like I was reborn into a new person overnight.
I definitely feel myself better than before and have a lot more energy, especially in the morning. In the past, it was extremely hard for me to get out of the bed and I had a lot of headaches. I could sleep 9 hours and still wake up tired… Once I started to wake up at 5.30, I definitely feel much better. Don’t get me wrong, it’s still very hard to get out of the bed, so dark everywhere and it’s getting colder. The winter is coming!
Once I manage to get out from my warm and cozy bed, wash my face with cold water, mix and drink my magic supplements , the life becomes a bit better. Afterwards, I go downstairs to my basement cave and let the Chi machine shake the hell out of me ))
Yep, I now do full 15 minutes, start on the slowest speed for maybe a minute or so and then finish close to the maximum. Once the machine stops, you can feel waves of energy running through your whole body from the feet up to the tip of your head. A pretty cool feeling which lasts for about 10 seconds. I lay down for few more minutes then do some stretching and switch to the breathing exercise.
The other thing that improved in the past 30 days is my writing (I hope). It’s getting much easier for me to put my thoughts into the words on the screen, where before I would struggle to write even five hundred words. Definitely a good exercise for the brain.
There is one problem with writing that I noticed in the past few weeks – while I enjoy the process of creating something out of nothing, it just takes a lot of time… Basically, it’s hard to produce a real value and do it within 30 minutes or so in the morning. Almost impossible. On multiple occasions I found myself writing for hours at a time… Then you need to find all related assets, resize them, upload. Then there is the final pass, where you need to read everything you just wrote from the very beginning and correct things you don’t like anymore, expand some thoughts etc.
It’s a process basically. Yes, in the end, I usually happy with the result, but I’m not happy when it takes so much time… I think this is normal because if you want to create anything of value, you have to put some time and soul into it. It’s just on many occasions I found myself stressing out about not being able to publish my daily journal update on time.
Since I wanted to deliver some real value for myself and my readers, I would put everything aside (my work and other important things) just to be able to publish my journal update… I think this has to stop. The whole purpose of me doing it was to exercise my brain and to record my journey for myself, but somehow it got out of hands.
I will still be doing my daily writing, I’ll just stop publishing my personal daily updates and will focus on producing something more valuable. Imagine it like writing a book. Basically, I want to lift this writing stress a little bit, so I could focus on things that really matter in my life. Things that will get me closer to achieving my goals.
Speaking of which, in just a short few days I’ll be flying to Boise to attend my 2 comma club coaching training with Russel Brunson!
Only 2 days left before my flight and I really need to get some shit done. I’ve been struggling to come up with my unique idea for a few month already and I need to have something ready before I come there. That’s the real stress you guys 😉 I don’t want my morning writing to take half of my day, especially now that I need to dive in and deliver my offer.
Actually, why don’t I just finish my update right here? Writing is addictive after all, once you start it, the words in your head just won’t stop, but I’ll have to!
It’s been a month of transformation. I’m really happy that I started the whole thing. I’m happy with myself. Every day. I finally feel like I started growing again.
p.s. Expect changes. Subscribe to my list. It’s going to be a wild ride!
p.s.1: My son and my wife are coming back soon and I miss them a lot!!! Yaaay! Why do things at all, if not for them?
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