Can’t Find a CTO? The Harsh Truth Startup Founders Need to Hear
This post is a “work-in-progress” created in the FAQ style designed to help you, the startup founder / business owner, to finally bring on a technical leader your startup needs and deserves. Just give it a read and then lets have a conversation. I’ll be making changes based on your questions and my own experience. …

Bogged by Stress and Overthinking? Let Experience Take Over
“This one? Ok, I see… I’ll do this for a small tip when I finish the paint job”
After that Mr Martinez casually turned around and went back to the font side of the house to put another layer of paint on the garage door. …

Five Years as a Startup CTO: How, Why, and Was It Worth It?
I can’t believe it’s been five years since my last post…
Five years since I decided to join an early stage startup as the CTO / “the tech guy”.
Five years since I took my last train to the office in Manhattan. …