Browsing Tagaws

Little trick to get AWS instance_id as variable in Nginx

If you are running in AWS environment it might be useful to get Amazon instance_id in Nginx for different purposes (logging, headers etc).

To do that we need to compile Nginx with Perl support (–with-http_perl_module flag during compilation). After that is done we can put this snippet inside of our httpd Nginx config section:

Important: While the Perl module is performing a long-running operation,  …

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SolrCloud in EC2. Dealing with changing IPs

If you use Amazon EC2 service for a while, you probably aware of the fact that any time you stop/start (reboot) your instance the underlying IP might change. We need to account for that when designing new services in EC2.

Lets see what happens to SolrCloud after IP change:

Note those grayed out IPs.  …

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AWS AutoScale with SPOT instances and dynamic tagging

I was always fascinated by idea of fully automated infrastructures, where instances come and go according to particular factors like network traffic or load increase and you just observe this process form the distance allowing system to heal itself.

Now that these days we mostly deal with Cloud providers and their great APIs,  …

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History of infrastructure at FastCompany

Recently I started doing quite a bit of operations stuff at FastCompany, so I decided to write couple articles to illustrate our transition to AWS and later to Chef. There were few bumps on the road, some of you may be able to avoid them by reading these posts ..  …

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