Simple and efficient backups with Tarsnap

Backups! Everyone knows about backup importance, but because of configuration complexity many just giving up hoping to get away without them..

And then a day, week or year later it bites you in the butt! I know this because I’ve been there.. couple times actually.  …

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History of infrastructure at FastCompany

Recently I started doing quite a bit of operations stuff at FastCompany, so I decided to write couple articles to illustrate our transition to AWS and later to Chef. There were few bumps on the road, some of you may be able to avoid them by reading these posts ..  …

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Problem with Drupal 6 CURL and Simpletest

When I had to switch from my usual Linux dev box to Mac 10.7 recently (because of Sandy hurricane), I noticed a problem with CURL when I was running my tests through command line.

Basically CURL was just returning output to STDOUT instead of passing it to a variable as it should because of RETURNTRANSFER option in the simpletest class.  …

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Proxy parts of Drupal site with Nginx.

Sometimes it could be quite useful to proxy a section of your site to the different multisite install, running different version of Drupal.

Real world scenario: When you go to (which is sadly still running on Drupal 5 at the time of writing ),  …

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Moving single MySQL database to tmpfs

Recently I had a problem running Drupal Simpletest on my new i7 dev box. It took couple minutes to execute a set of relatively simple tests and as a developer you probably know how annoying that could be. The problem was largely due to InnoDB storage engine and it slowness caused by creating / removing tables (compared to let say MyISAM).  …

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