Browsing Tagdocker

Nginx on Windows in 5 minutes

Nginx on Windows in 5 minutes or less with Docker

Wait whaat? Nginx on Windows, who cares about that?? Actually many people do. Fortunately now is the greatest time to be a software engineer! Here is why.

I bet you heard about Docker in the past. If you didn’t then you probably living under a rock and you need to come out of there soon.  …

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Docker + Hodor for simple and reliable dev setup


Here is real world scenario: You have this project you are working on, it requires php 5.3 ( yeah, old I know 🙂 ) in fpm mode + xdebug + nginx and maybe something else (database?). You spent couple days configuring all that stuff on your workstation and everything works..  …

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Docker VM shortcomings and how Hodor can help

Bright side

Finally Docker hype reached FastCompany and here I am adding to it : ) I wish I started with Docker intro post first, but I bet there are tons of stuff like this already on the nets. Instead I’ll assume most readers will already be familiar with Docker in some way.  …

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