Build Zappos like faceted navigation with ElasticSearch
I’ve been looking at different facets implementations while working on REST Search API for my ecommerce store. Some of the solutions I saw were simple to achieve (like plain faceting by terms with single selection), while others required some thinking and some extra work.
Today we will talk about Zappos facets, …
Use Nginx basic auth to protect HTTP services like Solr
Sometimes it might be useful to add simple permissions layer on top of unprotected HTTP services ( especially if you would like to open those to the public! ). Recently we had to secure our Solrcloud install to be able to provide read only access to our FTS index to a partner, …
Dealing with multiple config sets in Solr(+cloud)
Solr in “cloud” mode (solrcloud)
One of the first steps for solrcloud cluster setup is collection configuration preparation. Usually it’s done like this:
-Dbootstrap_confdir=./solr/collection1/conf -Dcollection.configName=myconf
If you start Solr with above attributes, it will load configuration files under ./solr/collection1/conf to Zookeeper with myconf name. …
Improve and simplify Solr logging with Nginx proxy
In efforts to provide better visibility to all parts of our application framework we decided to collect and send Solr query logs to our logging farm for further analysis and smoke tests. For logging aggregation we use Logstash with Kibana – …
Playing around with Jetty JVM Garbage Collection
First of all, I would never thought I’m going to write about JAVA GC. I’m not a JAVA guy, everything described in this post is my personal experience from the operational stand point. I hope it will be useful for some of you as well. …
SolrCloud in EC2. Dealing with changing IPs
If you use Amazon EC2 service for a while, you probably aware of the fact that any time you stop/start (reboot) your instance the underlying IP might change. We need to account for that when designing new services in EC2.
Lets see what happens to SolrCloud after IP change:
Note those grayed out IPs. …