Browsing CategoryCloudOps

Docker VM shortcomings and how Hodor can help

Bright side

Finally Docker hype reached FastCompany and here I am adding to it : ) I wish I started with Docker intro post first, but I bet there are tons of stuff like this already on the nets. Instead I’ll assume most readers will already be familiar with Docker in some way.  …

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Little trick to get AWS instance_id as variable in Nginx

If you are running in AWS environment it might be useful to get Amazon instance_id in Nginx for different purposes (logging, headers etc).

To do that we need to compile Nginx with Perl support (–with-http_perl_module flag during compilation). After that is done we can put this snippet inside of our httpd Nginx config section:

Important: While the Perl module is performing a long-running operation,  …

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Dealing with multiple config sets in Solr(+cloud)

Solr in “cloud” mode (solrcloud)

One of the first steps for solrcloud cluster setup is collection configuration preparation. Usually it’s done like this:

-Dbootstrap_confdir=./solr/collection1/conf -Dcollection.configName=myconf

If you start Solr with above attributes, it will load configuration files under ./solr/collection1/conf to Zookeeper with myconf name.  …

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SolrCloud in EC2. Dealing with changing IPs

If you use Amazon EC2 service for a while, you probably aware of the fact that any time you stop/start (reboot) your instance the underlying IP might change. We need to account for that when designing new services in EC2.

Lets see what happens to SolrCloud after IP change:

Note those grayed out IPs.  …

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