Enable mysql slow_query_log on the fly, no reboot required
I always forget how to do this, so finally decided to write it down (I’m talking about mysql 5.1):
- Login to mysql with administrator rights
Inspect current variables before changing those (optional):
mysqlshow variables like 'long_query_time' \G; ...
Percona mysql install problem with Chef on Linode – be aware!
Fresh Linode instance of Ubuntu 12.04 LTS.
Super simple recipe ( stripped down for debugging ).
include_recipe "apt" include_recipe "ohai" include_recipe "mysql::percona_repo" include_recipe "mysql::server"
I tested installation numerous times with the same OS version with Vagrant with no problems, …
Nullmailer and Fakemail – two little tools for every developer
From time to time I need to work with outgoing mails: change templates, make sure they display correct data etc. You could go with some full blown MTA like postfix and it’s actually pretty easy to install and configure for outgoing mail sending. I personally tend to not install MTA on my dev box, …
Problem with Drupal 6 CURL and Simpletest
When I had to switch from my usual Linux dev box to Mac 10.7 recently (because of Sandy hurricane), I noticed a problem with CURL when I was running my tests through command line.
Basically CURL was just returning output to STDOUT instead of passing it to a variable as it should because of RETURNTRANSFER option in the simpletest class. …
Nginx proxy_read_timeout catch or double php script execution
I was working on import script recently. Expected execution time was more than 60 seconds, the default value of proxy_read_timeout directive in Nginx that’s why Nginx displayed nice 504 Gateway Timeout error every time I run the script, even though the script was still running on the back end. …