SolrCloud in EC2. Dealing with changing IPs

If you use Amazon EC2 service for a while, you probably aware of the fact that any time you stop/start (reboot) your instance the underlying IP might change. We need to account for that when designing new services in EC2.

Lets see what happens to SolrCloud after IP change:

Note those grayed out IPs.  …

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AWS AutoScale with SPOT instances and dynamic tagging

I was always fascinated by idea of fully automated infrastructures, where instances come and go according to particular factors like network traffic or load increase and you just observe this process form the distance allowing system to heal itself.

Now that these days we mostly deal with Cloud providers and their great APIs,  …

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Use Nginx to proxy files from remote location using X-Accel-Redirect

Nginx supports X-Accel-Redirect for local files with no extra hassle, but what happens if you need to serve files located in some remote location like s3 and you don’t want to expose direct urls to the files? Sometimes you may want that to have control over stats or to keep an option to migrate to another file server without changing original urls.  …

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Secure data bag items with chef solo

How to generate encrypted data bag item with knife and chef-solo

This post is mostly a memo to myself, because I often forget how to how to create encrypted data bag items..

Here is the deal. We know how to generate regular data bag items with knife: knife data bag create DATA_BAG_NAME DATA_BAG_ITEM ( for those who didn’t know ).  …

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